Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Goals for a new year....

I shared with you about financial evaluation and the inspirations that followed. I guess I wanted to say that I think setting goals for a new year is something you do when you grow. So the fact that I set goals means I'm actually growing up and realizing I have much to improve upon.  Here are some of my goals for the new year.  You might say these are a little late; however, I'm kind of growing ideas with this year...nothing is like a sudden idea. Things are rooting in me and taking their time.

To quote my Sunday School Teacher, Tom Mason, "your resolutions are God's resolutions." Please don't take that out of context; simply know that God wants to build his character into us each year, each moment.

Goals for 2011: 

  • Spiritually Fruitful year: developing my dependence on God, reading/savoring scripture daily, grow as Bible study leader
  • Stick to our family budget
  • Eat healthier, plan meals better
  • Lose ?-? pounds, BUT MOST importantly exercise 3-5 times per week
  • Be able to run 6 miles 
  • Enjoy life and all the precious little ones to be born this year: Baby Liles, Jardin Babies, Baby Biviano, Baby Locke, Baby Elsken, Baby Scogin, and Baby McWilliams
Yes literally everyone is pregnant except me( said with an attitude of excitement for everyone around us not jealousy or expectancy) praying for healthy Mamas and babies! Yay for 2011 and all that you hold!

I'd love to know what you're hoping for with this new year and how I can pray for you!

1 comment:

  1. New Years Resolutions / Goals for 2011:
    1. Spend more time with Elizabeth Coyle Clark.

    (well there's also the lifetime goal of being on time to places, but since I was late to work 3 times this week already and I live less than a mile away, I don't hold out hope that this is the year I will achieve that lifetime goal.)

    LOVE YOU! love your goals!
