Tuesday, April 12, 2011


We planted our garden April 2 and pretty much did exactly what we did last year. Our tweaks were: planting half as many tomatoes, in that space gained planting the cucumbers so they don't choke the other plants. Also we planted more peppers this year; Andrew wanted some jalapeno and banana peppers.  You may have never planted a garden or don't care about growing things, but honestly it's serious fun.  We already have little seedlings and planted seeds so there's noticeable growth. Here's a few pics of my excitement.
Here are some pros to planting a garden:
It can be small or big depending on your needs
It reduces your grocery budget
It's a good workout when you are planting and hoeing
It gets you in the great outdoors
You don't have to eat chemicals if you don't want to
It makes a lot of Biblical parable mean more
It's stinking fun to watch things grow!

 We plant strip gardens so that it makes "harvesting" easier.
 Our variety of peppers.
 Green beans popping up!
 Just in case you wondered what a green bean
looks like up close and personal.
 My index finger for sizing purposes.
 Squash and Zucchini look pretty much identical so here's the squash.

 Cucumbers look similar because they are the same family.
 But they start off tiny!
 One of our Roma tomatoes; we planted two varieties this year
Roma and Beef Masters
Our first tomato bloom!
Yay for all our little inklings!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Gonna be a great day!

So I'm really excited about today. I woke up at 7:30 feeling super rested. Went and made this new recipe. It's delicious. I ate it with vanilla yogurt and a glass of milk. I'm heading to coffee with Vanessa and shopping for plants for the garden. Andrew should be home around lunch for us to start prepping soil and hopefully get the plants in the ground. Yay for the Weekends! Here's a pic of the Blueberry Oat Crumble Bars!

Words can't describe how good this was so make it! I used 1/2 cup dark brown sugar instead of 3/4 and I still think it was plenty sweet. Also, didn't melt the extra butter for the top and plenty moist. Do what you like! I'm sure you can't go wrong. So good...please make it!

I thought I didn't like Key Lime Pie

My Sister's favorite dessert is Lemon Meringue Pie, and I never loved the meringue part. I ate it, because I always had this homemade and well my mom makes almost everything well.  She did burn spaghetti once, remember Vanessa and Tyler? Anyway, I digress....I saw that Pioneer Woman had made one for Pi Day (3/14) and her description made me realize I should give it another chance. So I made this Key Lime Pie, but I used Persian limes instead. I also didn't make whipping cream b/c I love tart things and don't like them balanced out...haha I'm strange.The only thing I changed was using way less sugar in the graham cracker crust. My mom never used any so I went somewhere in the middle and that was good. I did have a hard time getting it out though. By the way...I do like Key Lime Pie, just it has to be homemade, but I'm that way about a lot of things. Not really a surprise.
I did by this zester...it was easy to use! (Publix)
Oops, I ate a piece before I remembered the picture! Scrumptious!