Saturday, July 30, 2011

Book Update

I didn't finish the Dave Ramsey book before it's due date, so I will have to update you later. It's hard to force yourself to read financial matters quickly, no? I picked up Three Cups of Tea, but I'm having a hard time relating to the foreign places in Afghanistan. I picked up Counterfeit gods, which I had started reading in April. Oops...easily distracted. Well it's pretty amazing. It's currently talking about singling out one good thing and making it god. Specifically how people do that with politics; well it's scary how right his observations about our society are. I will be the first to admit that I'm not as aware of political events as I should be, I think it's because my trust is in God. I just don't believe human leaders are the answer; they are tools. They are to be used, but not to be glorified. Tim Keller quotes a Dutch-Canadian philosopher that I think has it right. Al Wolter's says, "the great danger is to single out some aspect or phenomenon of God's good creation and identify it, rather than the alien intrusion of sin, as the villain in the drama of human life..." The only thing that will help really change the country and the world will be to change individuals hearts.

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