Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Apparently Winter Retreats aren't my thing...

If you know me well, you would know that last years Winter Retreat didn't go so well. Bad weather and what not.  Well this years wasn't really the best experience either.  On the way up the mountain someone got sick and threw up out the window.  Well it also went on the door. We had to rinse it off with Gatorade because we didn't have any water.  The next morning, I woke up with a sore throat but didn't think much of it (the room was chilly that we slept it). That afternoon we went on a hike...I was with a group of students and we got separated from the rest of the group(I didn't have a map or cell phone).  We honestly thought we were lost, but about 20 minutes later the group caught up with us.  I felt pretty terrible after the hike.  Proceeding to me going to dinner barely able to swallow food because my throat hurt so bad. I also had body aches, chills, and a terrible headache.  So I get moved to a room by myself and then leave the next morning. Drive home wait in a CVS Minute Clinic for 3 1/2 hours to find out I have Strep throat and a Sinus Infection.  My WONDERFUL mother met me up there, made sure I got home safe, and made me homemade soup and rubbed my back.  Andrew had to stay up on the retreat.  Can I just say thank God for antibiotics! Thanks to Fleming for getting the ball rolling with Penicillin. So I am seriously wondering if Winter Retreats are my thing???


  1. I feel for you...I had strep throat a few weeks ago and it was so awful. I went to my doctor and they didn't test me for strep...two days later I sat for 3 hours at the CVS Minute Clinic to be diagnosed & finally get antibiotics! Hopefully you will feel better soon and maybe just stick to warm weather retreats? :)
