Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Did you know?

Ok...this may be dumb to you, but did you know that you have to make adjustments when baking if you live at different altitudes? I had no idea!!! I was just at this site (food blog) and read this:

 "Hello, I currently attend a school in Colorado with an altitude up to 7,000. Could you offer any suggestions for baking at high altitudes? Maybe some standard measurements of conversion or tips? I would love to use some of your recipes. Thank you!"

hmmmph....who knew?


  1. I have discovered this! We are about almost 5000ft here and baking takes longer, as well as boiling anything!

  2. Oh Wow! I miss you guys. Are y'all loving Colorado?

  3. Yes, its great! But we miss you all back in SC:)
